Medical Translation

Tongue Tied work with Professional Medical translators who are trained in the medical field and produce top-quality medical translations. We can translate your medical reports, referrals and second opinion reports.

We are proud to be currently working with international PMI (Private Medical Insurance) companies, such as Bupa Global, as well as multinational telemedicine and virtual healthcare company, Teladoc Health, and also the NHS.

We understand that the nature of the documents can be time sensitive and have agreements in place for same day, 24-hour, and 48-hour turnaround time.

We appreciate the sensitive nature of these documents, and therefore have an information classification system in place, categorising incoming work as security level 1, 2 or 3. The higher the work is classified as, the greater encryption and handling requirements are employed. All emails are encrypted and if preferred by the client, we can send documents via a secure file transfer system.

Can we help? Get in touch.

If you have any queries regarding a translation, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Tongue Tied Ltd, a professional translation company of more than 30 years, is accredited by The Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform as well as the Association of Translation Companies (ATC). +44 (0)1273 419999
©Tongue Tied Ltd. 2021 All rights reserved. Registered in England - 02497945 | VAT No - 587 600 712 | developed by